Oana is a pay it forward marketplace that connects the people we love with the things we love. Download the app to connect with friends, family, and like-minded people to begin giving, getting, and spreading the goodness!
Oana provides a positive path, for people and things, by empowering every individual to contribute something of value to their personal network by offering their time and talents through service listings.
Pre-owned possessions still have practical value, and in some cases more because of their age, authenticity and “life experience.” Like-minded people appreciate the authenticity and history of these objects that carry human imprints.
The “services” function of Oana lets users list services they need or services they have to offer. This could be anything from mowing the yard or painting the fence to providing a meal or offering music lessons.
Special interest groups and niche collectors can leverage Oana as a CMS platform to enable the sharing of goods and services between the organization and their members.
Limiting our platform to personal connections eliminates the dangers of meeting strangers in public places and the risk of scams experienced on other resale apps.
Consumerism is in direct conflict with environmental limits on natural resources. Oana can help by decreasing demand on new retail goods, slowing the consumption of resources and diverting useful products from landfills.